Automatic Pool Equipment

Master Pools can advise you on the automation options. It is best to plan these features upfront, because some have to be built into the pool structure. Here are just a few ideas you will want to consider:

Pool CoversLuxury Pool Design


Automatic Control

Now you can just about operate everything on your pool - pump, heater, lights, waterfalls, spa - all from the convenience of a remote control unit (PDA) while you are relaxing on your lounge.

Pump, Heater and Filtration Systems

By letting Master Pools know during the planning stage, they will select equipment accordingly to ensure it works to optimal performance. Pumps, heaters and filtration systems work together to give you better quality water. Your equipment’s specification is customized to the number of special features you have chosen to operate. Be assured, Master Pools not only considers their performance but their energy saving features as well.

Automatic Pool Covers

With the push of a button you can close your pool at night, reducing evaporation and loss of heat. Evaporation is the greatest cause of heat loss.

Automatic Sanitizer

Literally there is no more handling of chlorine with automatically controlled dispensing of the sanitizer.


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